Monday, 28 November 2011


A truely beautiful of my faves of the band :)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Midnight Sun

Onyx clouds spread over the sky
Welcoming the stars with their enigmatic embrace
Among them shines the midnight sun
Lights up the sky with innocent rays of repose

Slowly it covers the sorrows of the day
Hides all of the lies that has been exaled above
So gentle and elegant
Enlightens all of the forgotten tales of truth

The roads below are sleeping away
Lost in their imagination of reality
But they only know half of the story
For they can only see whats reflected by the suns fake luminosity

Thats why I love the dark
It elucidates whats behind that reflection
The truth lies under the dark veil...

Another random poem :)

Thursday, 24 November 2011

There is Darkness In Every Light

Just a random poem I wrote when I was bored...

With every breath I take
The pain inside gets stronger
This mucilaginous mist leaves marks with its sinful stake
The path of plight just becomes longer...
Every right I used to know
Has become wrong
I don't know which route to follow
I need to find a place where I belong...
I let the my tears become blades of sorrow
Slowly giving into the fright
I am afraid of every tomorrow
As the darkness hides behind the light...

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Kaybolmuş Küller

Yazdığım bir şiir ....

Bu kargaşa içinde durgun ve sakinim
Kayboluyor sonsuzlukta tüm hayallerim
Duygu ve düşüncelerimin bulanıklığı içinde
Kaybolmuşluğun yalnızlığında bekliyorum emelsizce
Yüreğim parçalanıyor damarlarımda dolaşan zehirle
Aklım sızlıyor ızdırap dolu düşüncelerle...

Bu yük çok ağır artık
Kaçamıyorum bu ıssız sokaklardan
Savaşamıyorum duvarlar daraldıkça
Her gün daha fazla ölüyorum bunu anladıkça
Gözlerimi kapattıkça,nefes aldıkça,kalbimin her atışında...

Uyanamadığım bir kabusun içinde
Çığlıklarımı duyamaz hiç kimse
Tüm çabalarıma rağmen bitmiyor bu gürültü
Beraberinde getirdiği kirli üzüntü
Işte ruhumun kalan tek parçasıda öldü...

Uzaktan bakıyorum etrafıma
Anlamaya çalışıyorum tüm yalanları
Başlamadan biten tüm aşkları
Boşluk içinde geçirilmiş korku dolu hayatları
Yanıp kül olmuş,bu dünyadan arta kalanları.....

Thursday, 17 November 2011

12 Stones-World So Cold

It starts with pain
Followed by hate
Fueled by the endless questions
No one can answer
A stain
Covers your heart
Tears you apart just like a sleeping cancer

Now I don't believe men are born to be killers
I don't believe that this world can't be saved
How did you get here and when did it start
An innocent child with a thorn in his heart

What kind of world do we live in
Where love is divided by hate
Losing control of our feelings
We all must be dreaming this life away
In a world so cold

Are you sane? Where's the shame?
A moment of time passes by
You cannot rewind
Who's to blame and where did it start
Is there a cure for your sickness, have you no heart?

Now I don't believe men are born to be killers
I don't believe this world can't be saved
How did you get here and when did it start
An innocent child with a thorn in his heart

What kind of world do we live in
Where love is divided by hate?
Losing control of our feeling
We're dreaming this life away

What kind of world do we live in
Where love is divided by hate?
Selling our souls for no reason
We all must be dreaming this life away
In a world so cold

There's a sickness inside you that wants to escape
It's a feeling you get when you can't find your way
So how many times must you fall to your knees
Never, never, never, never, never do this again

It starts with pain followed by hate
Now I don't believe men are born to be killers
And I don't believe this world can't be saved

What kind of world do we live in
Where love is divided by hate
Losing control of our feelings
We're dreaming this life away

What kind of world do we live in
Where love is divided by hate?
Selling our souls for no reason
We all must be dreaming this life away
In a world so cold

In a world so cold

Until It Sleeps-Metallica

Another one of my fave songs,simply brilliant and awsome lyrics!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Hello,Can You Hear Me???

Recently i've been thinking about how many of us actually feel alone because of the lack of communication within our society.Yes,we have mobile phones,facebook,twitter etc... and we can reach eachother within seconds...But if thats the case then why do we still feel lonely? How come we feel isolated when we are surrounded by people?

I think we all just need two ears that will truely listen to us,two set of eyes that will actually look at us with an understanding manner.Unfortunately everybody seems to be too lost at the reflection given to us by life,that we arent able to see behind that thick curtain of stress,money,social status,success,beauty....????? And what lies beneath is actually the ability to speak empathy.....along with it compassion,benevolence and clemency!!!!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Joachim de Posada says, Don't eat the marshmallow yet | Video on

Joachim de Posada says, Don't eat the marshmallow yet Video on

Here is an engrossing experiment about the relation between delaying gratification and its impact on success.Joachim de Posada states that if our ability of delaying gratification is good we are more likely to be successful in our lives.Basically kids aged 4-6 years old are left in a room by themselves while being given a marshmallow and they are told to not eat the marshmallow for 50 minutes in order to get another one.According to Joachim de Posada the kids who didnt eat the marshmallow are more likely to be successful later on in their lives.I do value delayed gratification and endurance,however this speech left me with some questions in my mind.Would the childeren act the same way if they werent told how long they had to wait? and does telling them to not eat the marshmallow accually cause an opposite reaction in their minds?
The kids are totally adorable by the way :)

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Iain McGilchrist: The divided brain | Video on

Iain McGilchrist: The divided brain Video on

This is a very intersting talk about the right and left sides of the brain.Can we really seperate these parts that sharply? or do we accually mix the properties of the right and the left side? However are we using both equally in our society today? Iain McGilchrist suggests that we are mostly using the properties of the left brain .I definitely agree with that statement.We seem to live in a world completely controlled by the left brain.....but we are just narrowing our perspective and that totally destroys empathy,imagination and creativity which are accually the terms that has been a base to every science! We need to think with both parts and broaden our vision.