Wednesday 20 June 2012

Can't you see?

So sick of it all....

Cant you see?
How your words hurt me
Like wounded daggers aimed straight to my heart
But the imbued silence in your eyes are much worse
For they dig deeper down to my souls hearse

Maybe you're telling the truth
But I dont want to know
Nor do I want sugar-coated lies
I just want your faith in my blithe despondency
Help me calm down my minds ambivalency

Words are never enough to breathe my feelings into you
Neither are these evanescent tears
So just look through me
Can you hear the ink swaying on the paper?
Freeing those invisible screams under the algid vapour

Sceams of delusion that was never cleared
Screams of hatred hidden behind layers of hurt
Screams pain to be endured
Screams of shame to be cured
Screams repeating to be inured...

An infinite cycle of alienation
Trying to make it better
But making it worse instead
Filled with withering images the cycle repeats again
Over and over until routine comes to reign

Do you see now?
But you never did
Neither did they
So please dont ask me anymore questions
There is no explination
Only one demonstration
Our only solution
Let me release my soul to our irenic isolation
Maybe then I'll return with my salvation...


  1. Hey, I've seen comments on TED and I was interested in you. Can I ask you something personally?
    Do you have Asperger syndrome? It look you have when I'm reading your poetry. It's not a bad thing by the way, I'm just asking it. I personally think we need more 'introvert' people in the world. The world is being destroyed and we need creative (mostly introverts) people in the world to save it! :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to look over my blog and poetry:)And as for your question,no I havent been diaognised with it but i can see where youre coming from with that thought.And I agree with you.Being one myself and having met a lot of people with the same thoughts as me ,I would say that there are plenty of intoverts,but we need more understanding of them :)

  2. You've really nice poetry. Nice blog :)

  3. Here is something I found what I want to share with you ;)

    "Shyness is genetic. Shyness and loneliness are normal for people of this genetic predisposition. Just because they don't fit into the modern day normality of being a loud mouth extrovert, doesn't men there is something wrong with them.

    Extroverts are the true introverts, they are the people that look inwards to the flock for comfort and reassurance. Introverts look outwards to nature and the universe and see the world for what it truly is."

    Author is unknown, but it was someone inspired by Bertrand Russel.

  4. Wow,now thats very well said :)I definitely agree with it.Some personality traits like shyness do seem to be genetic,I used to doubt this for both my mother and father are extroverts,but then i talked about this with my grandmother and she said that my feelings were exactly the same as hers when she was my age :) And yes introverts are the extraverted thinkers,we seem to spend a lot of time examining the world around us...its as if instead of acting out in the play we are watching it from behind the curtains,which i think actually makes us more aware of our surroundings since we can look at things from a wider perspective.

    Thank you for sharing this with me:)And excuse me if ive rambled on a lot,i seem to do that when im discussing a topic im passionate about :D

    1. @Broken
      "Thank you for sharing this with me:)And excuse me if ive rambled on a lot,i seem to do that when im discussing a topic im passionate about :D"

      No problem.

      "we are watching it from behind the curtains,which i think actually makes us more aware of our surroundings since we can look at things from a wider perspective"

      Yes, I think this is true.
      btw, many people who are know called "aspies" (cultural name for asperger syndrome), are introverts and they do not have a lack of empathy or something, they experience the world more intense according recent research.[1]
      Many experts do not understand aspies why they are seen as defective because they majority of the people today are extroverts.
      I've met a girl with asperger syndrome a couple of months ago and she was an introvert :), and like you said she's more aware of surroundings, wider perspective and is not defective at all.

      Good luck with your blog ;-)


    2. I agree with your views about aspergers.I've been researching about aspergers,autism...and others along the spectrum.I found the criteria for diaognising these too sharp-edged and unclear,so I decided to watch videos,read blogs etc..of people that actually are experiencing these rather than just observing things from the outside, and they are definitely not defective nor do they lack empathy,they are just different than neurothypicals which just means that they experience things in a different way and the intense world theory seems to explain this very well.People along the spectrum find social situations hard not because they arent interested or dont understand people,but they actually understand them so very well that they are unsure about how to deal with it.I thank you for introducing me to this theory and I absolutely believe that this theory should given more attention to ,for it may as well be true!
