Friday 7 September 2012

The Creations Song

I can hear it!

I can hear the creations song

Tasting of a doleful note

Yet that's what makes it so beautiful

Just like the heartbreaking beauty of the sunset...

It hides under the wind

Through the scarlett leaves sailing by

And the shades of green waiting to fly

All swaying in different directions

Yet all know the branches where their fragile veins first became to die...

It hides in the rain

Notes carved on each drop

Just like the arched movements of a poets pen


Yet none sculpted the same

I let it tickle my skin

I feel it taking the shape of my pores

I let it wash through me

A tear escapes to unite with the rain

A smile blossoms to reach the wind

A heart unfolds to join in the sweet rhythm

A soul is freed to embrace the beauty of its darkest secrets

Too long they've been on hold

A kiss seals them with it's warmth

It's time for freedom to take it's toll...

I can hear it!

I can hear the creations song

Tasting of a doleful note

But now,

I can also 'feel' it....



  1. Wonderful poetry. Beautiful. I thought I expressed myself well. But, my goodness, you have more talent!

    What humbles me is that English is my first language and I'm a public speaker. Yet you do greater justice to the language. The feelings you convey through poetry are majestic and powerful.

    I enjoy your sense and sensibilities, to quote Jane Austen. You must be in your sixties, at least (just kidding).

    Thank you, for dropping by my place and becoming a member.

    I enjoy the way you perceive the world. I'm in agreement with you. You may like this related post. It's about luxuriating in the wonders of nature:

    A Spiritual Awakening

    May you have a wonderful Sunday and new week!

  2. Thank you,you are too kind with your words :)It truely means a lot to me that you took the time to both read and comment on my poems.

    Yes I've been told that i'm an old soul,so I understand where youre coming from :)

    I'll be sure to check it out and i hope youre having a great week!

  3. Just remember, your insights are a gift: not everyone has them. You do.

    1. Thank you:) I've never actually thought of it as a gift,but rather a curse...
