Friday 9 November 2012

To Be A Shadow

Good morning!
How are you today?
How was your weekend?
Are you okay?
It was great talking to you again!
Hope to see you soon....

Seem familiar?
These trite phrases of daily social regime
Yet does any actually mean a thing?
The replies produced of languid smiles and expected lies seems to say it all
Yet the order is never to be restored...

Who am I to judge you might say
Maybe I don't even exist in this world of yours
Maybe I'm nothing but merely an illusion
But I've been to many places ,seen too many faces to just stay that way
So listen if you might,or simply ignore me once again...

I've been all around the world
Molding myself into millions of different shapes and forms
Devotedly searching for the freedom I've never known
The freedom of feeling,the freedom of being, just like my walking hosts
I long to touch and smell,to laugh and cry,to breathe and die...

But it was later that I found out,
Those bodies I followed didn't really exist either
They only held plastic pink roses and pretended to smell the earthly scent
They painted their emotions grey and wore glasses coloured of lies
Was that any diffrent from a shadows life like mine?

When the sun bowed to the stars
When I became whole under the raven sky's embrace
When I sang my hosts goodbye
When those fabricated glasses were left on empty nightstands
When the grey paint was washed away
When suddenly bright colours lit bravely along with the moon
I realised the truth,
I realised I wasn't the illusion
I didn't need a vessel to be real,I needed a soul
I didn't need a flesh to feel,I needed emotions
Nor did I need a a shape to form into,
I just needed to accept myself as a whole...


  1. This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read! You have an amazing blog my friend.


    1. Keith,

      Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and your kind words :)

  2. You're welcome. I am officially your newest follower :)

  3. Wonderful, powerful poetry. The imagery is intense. I want to be like you, when I grow up. :->

    Continue writing, please. I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for dropping by my place. I liked your comment. All we have is NOW. This precious moment is all there is: tomorrow never comes.

    I'm a fortunate man. I have friends who ARE authentic, we go beyond trite conversations. My life is rich.

    Have a wonderful rest of your week!

    1. Pablo,
      I'm so sorry for replying this late,im in my senior year,so with all the lessons i cant go online as often as i would like to...

      Again,thank you for all of your comments,they truly mean a lot to me and I'm so happy for you that you've got authentic friends,who you can talk deeply with:)I too have a few and they have a huge place in my heart because I know how hard it is to find people like that.

      Your thoughts about the 'now' are so true,I just wish bi could put that into pratice in my daily life...However I dont think you want to be like me when you grow up ,its rather the opposite,I would like to be as inspiring as you in the future :D

  4. Broken,

    You almost make me blush, which is hard to do, with my olive complexion. Regarding inspiring, I do try to encourage. Thank you, for your kind words. :>

    I appreciate your sensitivity. Thanks for mentioning what is consuming your time. I wish you success with your studies.

    And, I still hope to express myself as well as you. Your poetry reveals much thought and a clear perspective.

    I'm curious as to what type of career you'd like to have. I could see you as a counselor, in ministry or a social worker.

    Have a great weekend! By the way, I don't see anything broken about you.

  5. Pablo,

    Again I appologize for the very delayed reply.By the way,I think you're lucky for having an olive complexion.I'm quite fair so its awfully obvious when I blush,which is very embarrassing for me :)

    I also want to thank you for your lovely comments on my poetry.I really do appreciate them and would like to return the favour for writing a new one,which I will when things have calmed down a bit in my life.

    Hopefully you are right about your foresight,I wish to study psychology next year on my way of becoming a psychologist :)

    Have a lovely week !

  6. I wish you well with your ambitions and your vocation. If and when you start working as a counselor, you could intern under me, if you wish. I live near San Francisco; it's fifteen minutes away from where I live.

    You will do well as a therapist. It's important exercising, though. Experiencing the barrage of emotions from others requires that I discharge it from my body. I'm thankful for cycling, it's been therapeutic for me. Riding a bike also helps connect me with nature----which is great!

    Hope to see you over at my place, whenever you get a break. It was good hearing from you, thanks for replying.

    What I haven't told you is that I write poetry, too.

    Wishing you a terrific rest of this year.

    1. Pablo,
      Thank you for the offer,it'll be an honour for me to intern under you.I'm hoping to travel to the US for my post-graduate degree,so I'll love to get into contact with you then. You're right about the need of exercise,learning to separate ones own emotions from others is very important in counselling in order to be more helpful to clients and to do this, one needs lots of experience.Discharging of emotions from ones body,escpecially if youre a counselor,since you work with strong emotions everyday is essential,im glad youve found a way that helps you do this.This will probably be something I will struggle with,since I can get involved with others emotions too deeply,but I'm working on that:)

      By the way I would love to read your poety soon :)

      Take care.
