Friday 13 January 2012

Insanity=Overdose Of Poignant Emotions

I just noticed how we use the word 'insanity' so often .....but I think in a way we are actually abusing its real meaning while doing so because usually we seem to use it in a wrong way.So,what is the definition of Insanity? According to the dictionary,it is a mental illness or derangement.Dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, the synonyms go on.....However I dont agree completely with this statement.To me insanity is the overdose of poignant emotions and not knowing how to deal with these... Since we are all human and we all experience intense emotions such as pain,burden,happiness,excitement,love,jealousy,anger,hate,fear,even emptiness......then arent we all somewhat insane? The only line that divides us into being 'normal' or being 'insane' is the ability to be aware of,embrace and enshroud those powerfull feelings.Because being concious of what we are actually feeling behind those emotions leads to an understandment of ourselves,then this will lead to realising that 'fighting' them, 'ignoring',' denying' or simply giving into them wont help at all,what can help us is loving ourselves,accepting our emotions,accepting ourselves for who we are...accepting both good and bad.And finally not forgetting that we are not alone with these emotions that we cannot control,everybody goes through them at some point of their life...After all,we can only know what the light feels like when we have felt the dark.

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